Wednesday, January 8, 2014

New Studio

Nine months ago I posted to facebook (but not here) that I had taken a small room as a studio in Florence. But shortly after, the landlord sold it and although I could stay, the rent was higher than I could really justify. But I was using it and grateful to have a working space out of the house, as I was finally productive in ways I couldn't be at home.
So when the neighbors Luca and Fabrizio, who have a cooperative studio where they also offer classes decided to empty and rent out one of their four rooms and asked if I knew anyone interested I  said yes.  Me.
 I've only just moved in and still have to get things organized.  While the room I've moved into is a little smaller than I had before, the overall studio is large and I get access to communal tools, a patio, and the company of other artists.
So I've moved from my cute, tiny studio at Via San Giovanni 13R to Number 25 on the same street.

As moves go it was the easiest I've ever done. It is also at street level, on the same side of the street and only two doors down from my old one.
But since the expenses are divided It's a little more than 1/2 of my previous rent.
PLUS it has 4 decent rooms, internet, insurance, an inner courtyard and back patio and will allow me to hold classes in moku hanga once I get up the nerve....

So Look for me at:
Via San Giovanni 25, Florence at the San Giovanni School of Art.
I'm usually in the studio mornings.
Come say "hi".

Oh. This was my old studio. I gave back the keys yesterday.

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